Before your house is shown to a prospective buyer you need to be ready. This is very important, and certainly difficult if you have young children. Keeping your home ready to show at all times and whenever your Realtor or showing service calls, is mandatory.
Practice these other tips and you will be way ahead of most other sellers in your area...
You should also be easy to reach: If you want to be notified about a showing, stay in close touch with your Realtor or the showing service.
Be flexible on the timing: When you receive a call from a Realtor for a showing, keep in mind that he/she is showing lots of homes, and it is difficult to set precise times.
Coordinate with your family: Showings can be stressful on day-to-day family life. Review these guidelines with your family members and enlist their help in keeping the property ready for showings.
First impressions: First impressions are important! Make sure that your lawn is cut, the landscaping neat and green. Sweep the walkway and entrance to your home. Remove all clutter.
Secure Pets: Make sure that your pets are secured where neither they nor your visitors will pose any danger or bother to the other. Eliminate any lingering pet odors with fresheners, clean any "poops" that may be in the yard, and ensure that litter boxes are cleared away.
Clean Your Kitchen: Kitchens should be absolutely spotless. Run a lemon through the garbage disposal for a fresh smell. Remove magnets and pictures from the refrigerator door. Clear off all counters and tabletops. Cabinets, drawers and pantries should all be neatly organized.
Clean Your Bathrooms: Bathrooms should be clean, the toilet seat down and there should be no personal items in view. Set out fresh "show towels" in bathrooms.
Clean Your Bedrooms: Make beds, empty trash cans, sweep or vacuum floors. Store all clothing items.
Sound: Turn off televisions, and put soft music on the stereo.
Clutter: Pick up tools and toys; put extra garbage cans in garage.
Lighting: Turn on all lights. Open shades and curtains.
Cars: Park cars on street or around corner. Close garage door.
Smells: Give the house a pleasant aroma - freshly baked bread or cookies or a citrus room freshener.
Temperature Control: Set thermostat at a comfortable temperature or, it it's a pleasant day, leave the windows open.
Fireplace: Clean out the fireplace and dispose of ashes. Put in fresh logs.
Pool and Patios: Keep pools well chlorinated and absolutely spotless inside and out. Arrange pool and/or patio furniture neatly.
Make yourself scarce! Do not be present for the showing. Instead, sit outside your home or run an errand. When you are there, buyers often feel awkward as if they are intruding.
If you put these house selling tips into action, you find Agent from other companies showing your home over and over.
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