The solution to the housing problem is very simple. Get people back to work.
Once families are making money again there will be family formations and new homes will be one of their high priorities.
Today they are trying to solve the problem by lowering interest rates. Interest rates at zero will not solve it. Unless people are back to work with steady incomes there cannot be a demand for new homes.
We have narrowed it to lack of jobs. There has been more than a little discussion about jobs, but that is all. TALK. And that isn't getting it done.
So how do you get more jobs? Of course there has to be demand for whatever product the business is selling whether it is a brick and mortar manufacturing company or a service provider. We are back to step one.
Look a step beyond. Each day there are more people in the world. Births continue. We are now crowding 7 billion on the planet. Not all of them have a computer and cell phone yet and many do not have enough food and shelter. Demand is there for many products.
Businesses want to provide for them. Every time a new regulation is created by a central government (ours isn't the only one that does it) it puts a new obstacle in the path of job creation. Every regulation makes it more expensive to start a new company, expand one that is now in existence or price their product off the market. Many prohibit new ideas. Some brilliant Dilbert-type in a home office who has no idea about business operations comes up with an idea on how to make a product "safer" or "more environmentally friendly."
A lizard, moth or squirrel must be "protected". No one thinks of the unintended consequences. The single death of a child in a crib caused a $7,000,000 reworking of an industry. All costs must be passed along to the consumer.
No proof is required to stop an entire industry. Pseudo science is accepted as fact. All we need now is one ridicules complaint to bring a project to a halt.
You cannot create new jobs when new businesses are not allowed to form or being restricted by multitudes of new regulations so that formation is abandoned before it begins.
Yes, we are talking about the housing problem. You can't build and sell a new house unless there is some one with a steady income to buy it. You can't have a person with a steady income unless there is a business to hire him. You can't have a business that creates jobs unless they are able to operate in a reasonable fashion without undo regulations. All this means profit to the company. And finally the business must be allowed to make a reasonable profit and that means lower taxes so excess cash may be re-invested in growth. That means more hiring.
And where does all that start?
With the politicians!
Therefore the housing problem is a political problem. That is the bottleneck. Everything stops and starts there. We need smarter politicians.
You won't like this. We need smarter voters. And that is YOU. What are you going to do about it?
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