"Do for others more than you do for yourself"
Now I know many of you have heard this saying before but.... how many people actually following this great teaching from the Golden Rule Book. It's better quoted as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Now I don't want to be a preacher, I do however want to show you the benefits of this teaching and how it continues to change my life each day.
One of the things that I enjoy about sitting down and writing my own newsletters is that I get to share a part of my life with you each time (as well as grow my writing skills). It allows be to take time out of my busy schedule and reflect on how my week, month and year has gone. By performing this task, I'm able to change direction should I drift off course.... in other words, mid-flight correction.
I remember when I was a kid growing up and my mom would say this exact saying, "do for others more than you do for yourself". What was amazing about her teachings was she preached it well and practiced it to perfection. Here's the great thing about kids.... they mock what they see. So by seeing my mother live by this teaching, her lifestyle was automatically embedded into my sub-conscience which is now a part of my life.
You see, when I first got into Real Estate investing I did straight rentals. I knew from a young age that this type of investing would allow me to retire comfortably and provide me with the lifestyle I was looking for. The strangest thing was after a year of implementing my lifelong dream of investing I realized my approach was completely wrong and the only reward was only on one side.... MINE!!
It was a WIN WIN for me and only me!!
So without going into the details I changed my thinking and investing strategies to encompass a WIN WIN scenario for both the investors and the tenants. What I altered was to allow them a chance to own the home they were in. The best part about this idea was I now properly aligned my investing with my mother's teachings. By doing this, I was helping complete strangers fulfill their dreams that deserved our help.
Now.... although we've put all these safety nets in place. At the end of the day we can only 'lead them to the water but they have to fill their own cups'.
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